Weather Station and Website Information
DW2671 Millis, MassachusettsThe realtime-live weather data displayed on this site is collected by a RainWise MK-III personal weather station currently located in Millis, Ma - relocated approximately 4.5 miles from it's previous location in Medfield, Ma in May 2012. The data is collected every 2 seconds and uploaded to the website using Weather Display software every 5 seconds. The station comprises of an anemometer, barometer, rain gauge, temperature sensor and a humidity sensor. Dewpoint is calculated by the MK-III unit using temperature and humidity data.
The data collected by the RainWise weather station is uploaded to the National Weather Service MADIS program in addition the Weather Underground (Wunderground) and others. This data is also used to generate the historical reports on this web site. Weather forecasts and other information not collected by the RainWise station in Millis are provided by organizations such as the National Weather Service, Wunderground (Weather Underground) and USGS just to name a few. Most of the display pages and scripts that make the pages work are created by owners of Personal Weather Sations such as this one, and these generous individuals offer their work for others to use via their individual websites as well as the Forum which was created for users of Weather Display software and the Forum created for all weather enthusiasts.
This website is a template design by with PHP conversion by Template is originally based on Designs by Haran.
Special thanks go to the following for their exceptional contributions:
Kevin Reed at TNET Weather for his work on the original Carterlake templates, and his design for the common website PHP management.
Mike Challis of Long Beach WA for his wind-rose generator, Theme Switcher and CSS styling help with these templates.
Ken True of for the AJAX conditions display, dashboard and integration of the TNET Weather common PHP site design for this site.
Curley of Michiana Weather for his Severe Weather scripts.
Scott of Webster Weather Live for his Alternative Dashboard scripts.
Dennis (Clappy) of East Masonville Weather for his River/Lake Height scripts.
Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather for his Detail/Summary addon scripts.
Thermometer graphic courtesy of Bashewa Weather (adapted from Saratoga Weather).
I also want to thank the many members of the Forums who have helped me with my many questions and who have also made significant contributions to the various template editions and graphics that are available.
A special thank you to Brian Hamilton for the creation of Weather Display and his tireless efforts to maintain the program on several operating platforms.
A personal thank you to Jim Marsh at Cole Harbour Weather for his support and guidance given to me and many others in the Forum community.

History of Medfield
from the Town of Medfield websiteThe story of Medfield begins in Dedham, which originally included the territory that is now Medfield as well as several other towns. Dedham was incorporated in 1636 and by 1640 Dedham men started farming and pasturing animals along the broad meadows and continuous plains of our area. The land was perfect for farming because of the Indian custom of burning the fields each November to provide grazing for wild game. Our area was first known as Dedham Village........ More

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